Sanford's Holiday Tour of Homes

Did you miss it?

Sanford Historic Trust Holiday Tour of Homes

What a magical weekend! For one night, every year, Sanford Florida starts off the holiday season with a night to remember, the Holiday Tour of Homes. This year the event was held last Saturday from 3pm - 9pm for a nominal fee. Always promoting Sanford's heritage and charm, the self-guided tour ran along Magnoila Ave & Park Ave and featured ten nineteenth-century homes, elegantly decked out in the splendor of the season. There was live holiday entertainment and refreshments along the way, and this year they introduced a VIP option.

This marked the 31st year of local residents inviting their neighbors in to see their beautiful interiors, dressed in holiday cheer. The Sanford Historic Trust's event grows every year as word spreads. Mark your calendar for next year! Hope to see you there!

Sanford Historic Trust
Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center
201 Magnolia Ave
Sanford FL 32771

Saturday, December 7, 2019
3:00PM - 9:00PM


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