The following list is a general guideline on appliances and small electrical products and their life expectancies. Keep in mind that the life expectancy listed here is just a general guideline - depending on the model and brand of appliances you buy and how well you treat them, your product might last longer or might need replacing even sooner.
Air Conditioners (Room) 10
Air Conditioners (Central) 15
Boilers (electric) 13
Boilers (gas) 21
Compactors 6
Dehumidifiers 8
Dishwashers 9
Dryers (electric and gas) 13
Freezers 11
Furnaces (electric warm air) 15
Furnaces (gas warm air) 18
Furnaces (oil warm air) 20
Garbage Disposers 12
Humidifiers 8
Microwave Ovens 9
Range/Oven Hoods 14
Ranges (electric) 13
Ranges (gas) 15
Refrigerators 13
Refrigerators (compact) 9
Thermostats 35
Washing Machines 10
Water Heaters (electric) 11
Water Heaters (gas) 10
Water Heaters (tankless) 20+