Saving Labradors throughout Florida one dog at a time



About Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida, Inc.
Racing to Save Labradors LRRoF is a non-profit organization dedicated to placing purebred Labrador Retrievers in loving permanent homes. This nonprofit organization is comprised of hardworking volunteers and vets that are committed to placing labs in new homes. They have been working together since 2000 and have rescued over 5000 dogs. LRRoF, Inc. provides foster care, veterinary care, and microchips for the Labradors in their adoption program. The goal is to place Labradors in appropriate, permanent homes. Prior to an adoption, they consider the history, temperament, personality, and energy level of the rescued Labrador. The placement process includes a written application and a home visit of the potential adopter. LRRoF, Inc. is committed to all adoptions for the lifetime of the Rescue Labradors. LRROF is registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (registration #SC-11052) to solicit contributions. LRROF does not use professional solicitors and 100% of donations are received by the organization.

Use of Your Gift
Since the entire organization is staffed by volunteers, every penny of your contribution will help pay for veterinary care, food, medicine, and other direct expenses required to rescue and find loving homes for hundreds of Labrador Retrievers. LRRoF relies upon placement and adoption donations, special events, merchandise sales, and charitable donations for its funding. Any excess monies in this fund are allocated to LRRoF's emergency reserve to help meet Rescue's most urgent needs and to cover events, such as surgery and litters of puppies.

Please consider donating today.
