Can window film really make a difference in my electric bill?

Yes.  Window Film will lower the heat gained thought your windows by up to 84%.  The reduction in heat will allow our air conditioner to run less to keep you home cool and comfortable.  this will also prolong the life of your a/c unit by lowering your overall electric bill.

Are there rebates or incentives available?

Yes.  Local Power companies such as O.U.C. Progress Energy, Teco, and FPL are all offering rebates.  The federal government is also offering a tax credit, on qualified window films.

Will window film keep my wood floors from fading?

Yes.  Most window films will come with a 99% Ultra Violet protection.  The U.V. protection is what is going to prevent fading in your floors, draperies, artwork and furniture. 

What is the best window film?

This is a difficult question to answer as each situation is different. A professional window film installation company will offer a free consultation to assess your window needs.

Consult with an expert such as:

Orlando Window Tint Specialists

407 628-8468

