2020 Thanksgiving & Faith
What a year!!!
BUT, we can ALWAYS find a lot to be thankful for if we keep our Faith!
With a Worldwide novel coronavirus, causing us to be separated from loved ones, causing loss of income and even death, it has taught us many things. We have learned how to survive with less, cherish our loved ones, and developed a willingness to sacrifice conveniences to keep others safe.
So, with the changes we are seeing in our fellow man, such as caring for our neighbors friend or foe, we can see a higher power is in control. Let us focus on the good through the holidays and realize together, brighter days are at hand. When all this is a memory, we will have closer bonds with those near and far.
Let's take a moment to play a game I borrowed from a friend. Here are a few things I am thankful for...please fill this in with your feelings and goals and let's spread some light from here to all!
Let's all keep our family & friends safe this year & enjoy our virtual gatherings.
With all our love this season! ~ Karen & Bear
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