1st Annual Veterans Salute to Savings

And the WINNER is IN!!!


1ST Annual Veterans Salute to Savings

The Contest

First, I would like to thank everyone that made our 1st Annual Veterans Day Salute to Savings such a great success! There was amazing interest with entry forms coming in every day! Our driving force was the assistance we received in getting the word out by local Veteran groups such as the VFW (Veterans of Foreign War), American Legion, and AmVets posts dotting the Central Florida map. We really appreciate your effort and look forward to working with you again to present our 2nd Annual Veterans Salute to Savings to as many Central Florida Veterans as possible next year!


The Drawing

With great anticipation, this year our drawing was held live on Facebook last Friday November 6th! Our winner was revealed - Tom Betlow of Lake Mary Florida!


The Presentation

On November 9th our winner was presented with a certificate to list his home COMMISSION FREE with RE/MAX Central Realty. I am giving away my services, as well as covering the buyer's agents commission. This will be a 7% savings for Tom upon the sale of his home. So, keep watch as we will be announcing that in the days to come.....


Do you represent a local Veteran Group?


If so, please fill out our contact form with your information so that we can contact you next year with all the new details!


Whether you are looking to sell or purchase

The demand for homes is still very strong while supply remain's low. Houses are moving and I'd love to help get your home listed & sold! Or, if you're ready to purchase, I'd love to help with that too!

Connect with Karen: Facebook - Like & Follow: @GetOrlandoRealEstate

Instagram: @KarenArbutine
Twitter: @KArbutine
Linkedin: karbutine
